Journal of Food Security. 2022, 10(2), 53-60
DOI: 10.12691/JFS-10-2-2
Original Research

Nutritional Properties of Caterpillar Powder (Imbrasia oyemensis) and T45 Wheat Flour

Diaby Aboubacar1, , Meïté Alassane1, Dally Theodor2, Djétouan Kacou Jules Marius1 and Kati-Coulibaly Seraphin1

1Laboratory of Biology and Health: Biosciences Training and Research Unit, 22 BP 582 Abidjan 22. University Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

2Animal Physiology Teaching Unit, Training and Research Unit Environment, University Jean Lorougnon Guédé Daloa (Ivory Coast)

Pub. Date: September 14, 2022

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Diaby Aboubacar, Meïté Alassane, Dally Theodor, Djétouan Kacou Jules Marius and Kati-Coulibaly Seraphin. Nutritional Properties of Caterpillar Powder (Imbrasia oyemensis) and T45 Wheat Flour. Journal of Food Security. 2022; 10(2):53-60. doi: 10.12691/JFS-10-2-2


The present study was developed to investigate the nutritional properties of dried caterpillar (Imbrasia oyemensis) powder and wheat flour. The physicochemical composition was determined by standard methods (AOAC). The physicochemical analysis of 100g of Imbrasia oyemensis caterpillar powder, reveals a high content of protein (52.12%), lipid (20.58%), ash (3.62%), fiber (3.2%) and a low content of carbohydrate (17.24%) with an energy value of 462.66 Kcal/100g. Wheat flour is mainly rich in carbohydrates (78.04%) and has a low protein (10.7%), lipid (1.26%), ash (0.52%) and fiber (0.12%) content with an energy value of 365.78 Kcal/100g. The amino acid profile of Imbrasia oyemensis caterpillar powder indicates the presence of 16 amino acids. Histidine records the highest content with 118.4 mg/g protein while methionine and cysteine indicate the lowest content with 4.47 mg/g protein and are a limiting factor. Wheat flour contains 7 essential amino acids in very low proportions with the exception of methionine and cysteine which has the highest content with 18.31 mg/g of protein. The fatty acid profile in the fatty material from Imbrasia oyemensis caterpillar powder reveals the existence of seven (7) fatty acids. This fatty acid profile is composed of four (4) saturated fatty acids (53%) and three (3) unsaturated fatty acids (46.66%). Calcium (224.7 mg/100g), sodium (497.9 mg/100g), potassium (602.9 mg/100g), magnesium (254.1 mg/100g) contents of Imbrasia oyemensis caterpillar powder are significantly higher (p<0.05) than those of wheat flour. The molar ratios of Phytates/Iron, Phytates/Zinc and Oxalate/Calcium show that caterpillar powder (Imbrasia oyemensis) could not interfere with the assimilation of iron, zinc and calcium. Thus, the incorporation of caterpillar powder (Imbrasia oyemensis) into wheat flour for use in nutrition and food technology could be an alternative in the fight against protein-energy malnutrition.


nutritional properties, caterpillar powder (Imbrasia oyemensis), wheat flour, protein-energy malnutrition


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