Journal of Food Security. 2016, 4(5), 120-125
DOI: 10.12691/JFS-4-5-3
Original Research

Fragmentation of Brazilian Food System: Between Global Markets and Food Security

Nilson de Paula1, and Nelson Delgado2

1Public Policies Program, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

2CPDA – Centre of Graduation on Agricultural Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Pub. Date: October 27, 2016

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Nilson de Paula and Nelson Delgado. Fragmentation of Brazilian Food System: Between Global Markets and Food Security. Journal of Food Security. 2016; 4(5):120-125. doi: 10.12691/JFS-4-5-3


The main purpose of this paper is to show the disconnection within Brazilian food system between the agro-industrial sector, mostly plugged in the global markets and the strategies of domestic food security. The methodological procedures adopted for this analysis are oriented by a critical view, mostly inspired in the notion of food regime, of how Brazilian food system has evolved, mainly by a dialogue with a relevant literature, both conceptual and empirical. By doing so, information related to foreign investment, food trade and consumption were referred to as to depict the disconnection between the most dynamic agro-industrial segments and the strategies of food security taking place in Brazil. Whereas the exploitation of the most fertile resources responds to the global capillarity of large corporations, significant proportions of food distribution are in the hands of small family farms by means of alternative trade mechanisms and State food policies. Even though agricultural exports have been very supportive for macroeconomic policies, there emerges a lack of cohesion within Brazilian food system given the loosen links between local food supply and the most dynamic agricultural segments. This contrast is analysed in the light the main features of the world food system, the ways food security is pursued, and also the pattern of food consumption in Brazil.


Brazilian food system, food regime, agribusiness, food security, food consumption


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